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                               A Surgeon's view

                                  ABSOLUTE NATURE


First of all I thank Absolute Nature to allow me to manage  and write contents for #sanjivnibooty

Nature is the best medicine. In fact  nature is a SANJIVNIBOOTY for humans that is it can cure and treat anything, rather I would say every thing and everything on this earth provided by nature is a Sanjivnibooty. It all depends upon us how we behave and use things. Parents are Sanjivnibooty for new borns till the age he/she is independent and then kids in their young age are sanjivnibooty for elderly parents. Sanjivnibooty is known since the time of Ramayana. Nature has given us solution to all our problems weather related to Health, Comfort, Peace or any other requirement. We have not built even a single thing in this world everything is available in some or other form. We humans have just transformed the form, texture and taste but not built any food, which is made only by plants. Plants are the biggest and most complicated factories on this earth and we can't even think of making it, we are just disturbing  the nature's balance by fiddling with genetic structures of the plants and animals, for just short term benefits pseudobenefits. Simplest yet most complicated machinery are plants.When we make something ie modify we make such a huge factories that work with extremes of temperatures and produce too many deadly waste products which becomes a challenge for us to destroy them without harming our environment. Look at plants and Nature as a whole, every thing is beneficial to us directly or indirectly. We as a Doctors provide medical and surgical treatments, the fact is that psychological aspect,Dietary habits,Food, Sleep, Exposure to Sun and Fresh Air is left out. Many times we don't find any physical cause for the patients problems. Today most of the diseases are man made or given directly or indirectly. We are drugging and cutting human beings with no permanent treatment for many diseases. Day by day we are moving away from the nature and creating many health problems and destroying the nature's balance. Harmful chemicals are part and parcel of our life and are the source of many human diseases. This is my endeavor to do something to provide some chemical free products and services to make humans more close to nature. Path is not simple as almost every thing is laden with some or other chemical,I will try her to reduce the this burden as much as possible. Teething problems will be there. all products available under Sanjivnibooty will be first used by me to test the quality. Hope to get the support from the public, those who love nature will understand all this.   So why not once again go to nature to help ourselves and avoid those things which can be avoided.

Dr.R.K.Dua (Surgeon)

Meet Amelia
Why Naturopathy

Why AbsoluteNature?

Nature is the only way to Good Health

Humans are deeply connected to the natural world outside, so the exploration process in nature can strengthen well-being. Exposure to natural environments can be associated with many health benefits, according to research that cites less stress, reduced symptoms for depression and anxiety, and better cognition. Every day brings fresh opportunities to explore nature’s wonders – from walking in a forest to working in a garden. Let this famous quotes on exploring nature for well-being motivate you to explore the outdoors often:


“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” – Rachel Carson


Good Natural food, Fresh Air, And Clean Water and lots of Sunlight 


Healthy Mind and Healthy body through nature keeps the fatigue a bay.


We are part of nature and only Natural thing can detoxify the human body.

Women's Health

Women health is related with health of the whole family and whole nation. It is also related with natural universal body like moon's location.

Weight Loss

Imbalance in the body causes weight gain and nature's way to control it is the best, not bariatric surgery.


Main cause of stress is that we are constantly moving away from nature. Good natural diet, Fresh air, Clean Water, Sunlight and Few good friends is the best way to remove stress.



Citrus Fruits

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Nature Walk- Be close to the Nature.
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