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.This is an oil painting 20 by 30 inches in dimensions and is raw means not frammed. It was painted by me few years back with a deep thought in mind of cahnging cultural values and increasing pseudovalues.


SKU: deep roots
₹20,000.00 Regular Price
₹15,000.00Sale Price
  • This is an oil painting made by Dr.R.K.Dua surgeon. Root is a word with various meanings by word the underground part of the plants which support the plant to remain erect, absorb water and minerals from the soil and in many cases store the produce of photosynthesis. Deforestationd exposes the plant and risk its life and the surrounding land and its fertile soil. this is tha dark side of it. Similarly in our life the dark side which is moving away from nature and we are also leaving our roots that is our cultural values our relations. Leaving behind these root values we are moving away from natures way of human culture of be united and help each others and be close to nature and stay healthy. The darkest part is leaving parents behind and moving away to some other country helping that country to become more rich by pooring our values and making someones waiting for you.For them the dark period is for ever. 

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