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Departure from nature at what cost?

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

Why did I say departure from the nature? All living beings created on this earth is for a purpose and their every need is being fulfilled by the nature, be it food, shelter, energy etc. Besides the basic needs we humans with intelligence as compared with other living beings, started thinking about the comfort level. In This process of achieving more comfort we are moving ourselves away from the nature and the depriving the benefits of the nature.

Every thing in the nature is placed in a pure form and we humans are polluting the whole

universe from the food chain to air and even underground water. Fertilizers , insecticides,

weedicides are being used freely to the extent of increasing their levels above the safe permitted levels. In many complaints of the patients in which we are not able to pinpoint the cause are basically caused due to our own behavioral patterns. As we know that all building materials have some kind of low dose radiations besides radiations of various types being emitted from the the electronic devices which we are using daily. Instead of being nature friendly and exposing more to the nature and natural pure air, we have confined ourselves to the enclosed air conditioned enclosures. Here we remain enclosed from morning till the sun set and in many professions the sunlight is not seen even for weeks. We have discovered that strength of the bone depends upon the calcium concentrations, and that calcium is absorbed with the help of vitamin D3. Sunlight is very essential for the manufacture of vitamin D3 in our body, but we have cut that source of vitamin D3 by confining ourselves in the air conditioned cubicles, offices etc.Result most of these workers have vitamin D 3 deficiencies and ailments associated with it. Fresh air is replaced by recirculated air. Tiredness, weak bones with bony pains and bony fractures with trivial injuries are becoming more common. Depression, mental stress and sleeplessness are common too. Cases of depression are more in winter and in countries with very little exposure to sun due to long winter seasons. Various chemical have entered into our food cycles be it a fertilizers, pesticides or other industrial chemicals. These are responsible for increase in the rate of respiratory diseases, various types of cancers, headaches, abdominal pains,psychological problems for which we have no physical clue of the cause and no evidence by investigations, except increased levels in the blood. We are in developing stage and we are progressing towards the developed nations. But the facts are different. There is no place from where we can drink water directly without passing it through some kind of filtration,in childhood how many of us used the water purification system. Every visible tap means potable water but not now. We used to play outside instead of sitting in front of TV sets for hours. Bus and train journeys were not as uncomfortable as these days. Increasing vehicles are pouring tonnes of pollutants in the air daily. What we are giving to our kids, polluted air to breath, food full of chemicals, bad roads, polluted water, short tempered people who can kill anybody on trivial matter or just for few rupees. Is it a developed society? Only new changes are high rise buildings and malls and big big bungalows ,but even in these areas the basic infrastructure is lacking. Roads are no better than yesteryear's, water and air quality is deteriorating, people are becoming less friendly and social, patience and tolerance is decreasing day by day, fear of law is not there, more money means more power and above the law is the motto. So where is the development then? We are taking our society towards god only knows where? All these qualities we are cultivating in the next generation too. We have to come out of these enclosures and be more social physically than on the Facebook or twitter. We have to adopt natural ways to avoid chemicals in our food chains, more clean fuels to fuel our vehicles, clean public transport systems, and be a law abiding citizens....

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